I Guess I Do

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Monday, October 26, 2015

Get Your Fall Drank On

Just wanted to share with you all my favorite drink I like to make for any fall party I throw. It tastes so good you don't even realize there's alcohol in it. I've been pretty good at perfecting this craft over the years. All of my friends always gobble down my concoctions and then curse my name while hungover the next day. 

Ah, life is to live right? Here's the recipe. Drink up!


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Choose Your Wedding Party Wisely

This weekend I flew to Houston to visit my best friends from college. We all live in different states and each year we rotate where we spend our yearly girls weekend. 

I believe you can have different kinds of great loves in your life and these two are definitely ones of mine. Good, genuine girlfriends are hard to come by, so when you find them, don't let them go. Make time. Call often. Travel. Sacrifice in order to make trips work. The great ones are worth making it last. 

All we need is a couch and some takeout (Margaritas if you are in Houston... apparently its legal and legit to buy them to-go. Who knew?!) and the conversations and laughs will go on for hours. I am so thankful these two were there for me on my wedding day. Which got me to thinking about the importance of who you surround yourself with on that day. 

My chapel had a limit of 4 Bridesmaids, so I went with my best friend from high school - Whitney, my best friend from college (Jade - pictured left), and Kyle's two sisters. Natalie (pictured right) was our reader. (Nat is my holy friend. I knew she was one of the few I knew who wouldn't burst into flames when starting to read in a church.)

So when you are choosing your bridesmaids and those partaking in your wedding day, choose wisely. Don't make choices because you feel pressured, make choices because these people have made a significant impact on your life. And the key is that you think they will continue to do so. 

Also, selecting those who have already seen you at your worst is a plus. So when you are crying over chocolate covered strawberries, they won't think any less of you. They already knew you were kinda bat-shit to begin with. 

Monday, October 5, 2015

Anniversary Getaway

Every year I say this weekend in Laguna is much needed, but I really mean it this time. It was MUCH NEEDED. 

We were planning on rounding it all out with the Browns v. Chargers game, but when we woke up to pouring rain on Sunday, we decided against it. We've turned into a bunch of wusses, but I'll take the couch and sweatpants any day. 

Have a great week everybody. 
